These 15 Types of Snakes That Must Be Cautioned When To Adventure in the Forest
Vigilance is one of the important things when adventuring anywhere, including in dense forests. Beware of these 15 dangerous snakes!

Bro, dense forests do store a variety of beauties. However, this beauty can be lost if you meet 15 types of snakes that you should be aware of when adventuring, here. Curious about any snake? Please refer to the discussion this time.
Chilli Snake, Small Cycle That Can Cripple Nerves

This snake is very easy to recognize, from the pattern of its brindly black and red skin. The size is quite small, the maximum length is only about 50 cm so you have to be careful and observant to see the surrounding environment.
The shape of the head is flat and the tail is usually yellow in color, so it is given the name chili or coral snake. Although known to be shy and does not like to bite, if you are upset, usually can affect human nerve damage, bro.
You can avoid the branches of small trees that dangle close to your head. Because this chili snake could be hanging on a small branch on the tree. Even though the shape is interesting, but don't ever dare to touch it, remembering that it can or its poison can paralyze a nerve.
If the poison is famous, all you can do is push and press hard the bitten part of the body, and try the poison that just entered your body, to be removed again. Massage the part that has begun to ache toward the first bite.
Weling Snake, Which Is Able To Cripple Muscles

Banded snakes also have a striped skin pattern. The strips are usually yellow-black with a snake length of up to 1 to 2 meters. This welang snake usually hide in rice fields or between bamboo trees.
If touched usually the welang snake will protect itself by inserting its head into its own body. But if you get a venomous bite, the symptoms that you experience, for example, are swelling, weakening muscles, losing body coordination, and causing breathing problems.
More or less the same as the chili snake, if you have been bitten by this welang snake, immediately try to get the poison out of your body. If your body has lost its balance, immediately cancel your trip and run to the nearest hospital.
Cobras, which can spit in the eyes

Cobras are among the most venomous snakes in the world. Cobras can live in rice fields to semi-urban settlements. You know what a cobra looks like because it's so easy with the characteristics of its head that can expand like a spoon.
But if you're not expanding it might be difficult to recognize it. The length of a cobra can reach 4 meters with a brown skin color to black. Black Spitting Cobra is a type of cobra that can throw up as far as 4 meters and is usually directed to the eyes of prey. Meanwhile, if bitten, cobra can affect the human nervous system.
Not much can be done if already bitten or sprayed from this cobra poison. The thing that you definitely do is go to the nearest hospital to get an injection of anti-poison or antibiotics with high doses.
Mira Green Snake, Viper That Can Jump High

Mira's tail green snake has several other names namely sea carcass and green pit viper. This snake also has a close relative, Malayan pit viper, which can be distinguished from its slightly brownish red color.
While the green pit viper is green with a slightly red tip of the tail. Both have a rather triangular head and a muscular body, bro, the average length can reach 80 cm.
Be careful if you see this snake because it can jump to attack its prey with a can that can damage the tissue and cause bleeding.
These green snakes are usually in tree branches, disguising themselves behind the green leaves. Therefore, if there is a tree branch that swings down because of objection to something, do not immediately snatch it because there could be a green snake there.
Python, which can be wrapped around the body

Although it does not have can or deadly poison, but the powerful winding of the Python Snake can break your bones in an instant. Therefore, this snake is worth watching out for when in the wild.
If you see this snake creeping in the forest, that means it is looking for prey to eat. However, if you see this snake curling its body in the bushes, that means the Sanca Keling has finished eating.
This Sanca Keling can eat only one to three times a week. The rest of the time is only used for sleeping after eating it. Therefore, you should never disturb a sleeping Sanca Keling
Fierce Snake or Inland Taipan

Once a snake bite is able to issue 44-110 mg of poison that can kill 110 adult humans or 250,000 mice or the equivalent dose of poison 50 times the snake type King Cobra.
Australian Brown Snake

Although it is read in Australia, in reality this dangerous snake is also found in Papua New Guinea and Indonesia. I was so dangerous each snake bite issued about 2-10 mg of poison which means it can kill about 100-200 people per bite.
King Brown Snake

If this snake, it came from Australia. So, if you are in the land of kangaroos, be careful when adventuring and meeting this snake. The third most poisonous snake is able to inject poison up to 150 mg in one bite, in which the dose can kill 100 people.
Saw Scaled Viper

This type of snake is often found in Africa, Sri Lanka, Pakistan and India. In one snake bite is able to inject poison between 12-18 mg, where 5 mg is able to kill an adult human within 12-24 hours after being bitten.
Many Banded Krait

Snakes are often found in Asia, such as Taiwan, China and including Indonesia, which have a length of 1 - 1.85 meters and are capable of injecting 4.6 - 19.4 mg of poison per bite. The symptoms caused by being bitten by a snake are itching and numbness in the area around the bite.
Tiger Snake

Coming from the Western Continent of Australia, these snake bites can cause tingling, numbness and sweating, breathing difficulties and paralysis. Some reports say that the death rate of this Tiger Snake snake victim reaches 40-60%.
Black Mamba

With a jet black color, this snake can be found in the African Continent. Black Mamba snakes can reach speeds of 16 km / hour and when injecting poison between 100-120 mg per bite. Bitten victims will be paralyzed within 45 minutes and can cause death within 7-15 hours if not immediately treated.
King Cobra

Originally from Indonesia, this snake is legendary in popularity. A King Cobra can inject poison between 200-500 mg per bite which is enough to kill an elephant within 1 hour.
Death Adder

In East and South Australia, Death Adder's poison reaction is very fast and can cause death if within 6 hours a person who is bitten is not treated.
Mojave Rattlesnake

Also known as rattlesnakes, this snake has a length of 100 - 138 cm and is known for its ability to make a sound from its tail when it feels threatened.
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